Monday, April 13, 2015

Feliz Mi Cumpleaños! continues.....part 2

It is such a beautiful day out and I have no plans except to en-joy the day.

Melissa and I meet up for a walk and no plans!  Well almost no plans as I want to return empty honey jars to the beekeeper at the Sunday Fort Mason Farmer's Market.  So a-walking there we go!

Oops no photos of the usual beautiful walk along The Bay or the Farmer's Market.  We are so darned blessed to have convenient access to all this beauty!!!  We came across another friend of mine who was also heading to the Farmer's Market so we three chatted as we walked.

YUMM...local honey...this one from San Bruno keep allergies at bay :-)

This Farmer's Market is just the right size for me because it is rarely crowded.  Meanwhile Melissa has an entré into the Vintners Market which is going on at Fort Mason.  So next stop is two minutes walking from the Farmer's Market!  I LOVE IT when I have no plans and Source provides things to see and do!!

This is overwhelming because it is wall to wall wineries tasting and selling!  Lucky for us we arrived as they opened so woohoo, minimal crowd...unlike now :-)

And it was FUN to just wander and wonder where all these wineries (that I had not heard of before) are located!!  And local Bay Area distillers were represented as well.

Often the labeling is fun...,

And then there was the photo booth :-)

And I am all about food before imbibing so there was a food truck out front.  With sliders while we sun & eat!

And Melissa sees a friend from our neighborhood.....

And I practice with my selfie stick.  Thank you June for recommending this one to try! It's a breeze to use!  I need to practice :-)

Mission accomplished!  Fun on my birthday!  Or any day for that matter!

Feliz Mi Cumpleaños! continues...part 1

Well more rainbow reflections!  This is the most I have seen in one day!  Thank you Sun for making my day!!!!!

In the hallway

In the kitchen

Another one in the bedroom

This one blended into the rug in the pic AND it popped out in real time :-)

WOOOWWWW...another two at one time

And then three which are hard to see in this pic

Sunday, April 12, 2015

El 12 de Abril de 2015 - Feliz Mi Cumpleaños!

Happy Birthday To Me!

Look at the beautiful rainbow reflection on our bedroom wall that greeted me when I woke up.  Love how the colors shifted each moment!

It is a fabulous-so day!

And then a first for me...two rainbow reflections on the wall!!!

Thank you Sun!

And then I get to spend a few quiet moments with this view...before I see what the cards have to say to me! Thank you for that beautiful blue in the sky!  And the mist on the horizon!

And the cards are saying such spot-on things for me today!  And for you as well! Love It!

Si, soy un mano curiosa!

Enjoy your day as I enjoy mine!

Balanced Hugs!

WOW...another rainbow reflection!!!  Thank you Life!

And what an awesome birthday card in our kitchen!!!  Thank you Tom!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Happy Birthday....and Thank You!

It is 11 April 2015 around 12 noon and the eve of my birthday!

I just walked the one and half blocks from the public library where I scanned my blank homework pages for Spanish class.   And picked up my latest book.  It's a beautiful day here.  The sky is a beautiful blue with wisps and streaks of white clouds throughout.  The sun is shining through.  The air is slightly warm in the sun.  And slightly chilly in the shade.  I hear the sounds of cables from the cable car.  And people walking or running past. wonderful it is that I have all this so close to me.  Every day.  Thank You!

Source...The Universe...Life...has been giving me reminders of late that this moment...right here...right all I have.  And I chose in each moment how I live it.  Some moments I live is pure joy.  Other moments in pure fear.  Others in-between and mixed.  Other with acceptance.  Others with resistance.  Yet live them is what I do and each of us does.  It is all I can or anyone can do.  Experience every darn one of them.  BE in every darn one of them.  Either accept my fate or resist it.  And dealing with stuff in the moment with acceptance I have learned the hard way...take far less energy (and inner drama) than dealing with it with resistance.

Anywho...stay tuned as I hope to get back into blogging.  And who knows....perhaps those photos of my East Coast Adventure will make there way here :-)  Regardless...the spirit of Walt Jones (see story below) will inspire me along the way....

Savor each moment!
Love and Balanced Hugs!


Walt Jones
The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure.
Joseph Campbell

No one epitomizes the fact that success is a journey and not a destination than the many green and growing "human becomings" who do not allow age to be a deterrent to accomplishment. Florence Brooks joined the Peace Corps when she was 64 years of age. Gladys Clappison was living in the dormitory at the University of Iowa working on her Ph.D. in history at age 82. Then there was Ed Stitt, who at age 87, was working on his community college degree program in New Jersey. Ed said it kept him from getting "old­timers' disease" and kept his brain alive.

Probably no one person has stirred my imagination over the years more than Walt Jones of Tacoma, Washington. Walt outlived his third wife to whom he was married for 52 years. When she died, someone said to Walt that it must be sad losing such a long­time friend.

His response was, "Well, of course it was, but then again it may be for the best."

"Why was that?" 

"I don't want to be negative or say anything to defame her wonderful character, but she kind of petered out on me in the last decade."

When asked to explain, he went on to add, "She just never wanted to do nothin', just kind of became a stick­in­the­mud. Ten years ago when I was 94, I told my wife we ain't never seen nothin' except the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She asked me what was on my mind, and I told her I was thinkin' about buying a motor home and maybe we could visit all 48 of the contiguous states. 'What do you think of that?'

"She said, 'I think you're out of your mind, Walt.'

" 'Whydya say that?' I asked.

" 'We'd get mugged out there. We'd die and there wouldn't be a funeral parlor.' Then she asked me, 'Who's going to drive, Walter?' and I said, I am, Lambie. ''

You'll kill us!' she said.

"I'd like to make footprints in the sands of time before I check out, but you can't make footprints in the sands of time if you're sitting on your butt . . . unless your intent is to make buttprints in the sands of time."

"So now that she's gone, Walt, what do you intend to do?"

"What do I intend to do? I buried the old gal and bought me a motor home. This is 1976, and I intend to visit all 48 of the states to celebrate our bicentennial."

Walt got to 43 of the states that year selling curios and souvenirs. When asked if he ever picked up hitchhikers, he said, "No way. Too many of them will club you over the head for four bits or sue you for whiplash if you get into an accident."

Walt hadn't had his motor home but a few months and his wife had only been buried for six months when he was seen driving down the street with a rather attractive 62­year­old woman at his side.

"Walt?" he was asked.

"Yeah," he replied.

"Who was the woman sitting by your side? Who's your new lady friend, Walt?"

To which he replied, "Yes, she is."

"Yes she is what?"

"My lady friend."

"Lady friend? Walt, you've been married three times, you're 104 years of age. This woman must be four decades younger than you."

"Well," he responded, "I quickly discovered that man cannot live in a motor home alone."

"I can understand that, Walt. You probably miss having someone to talk to after having had a companion all these years."

Without hesitation Walt replied, "You know, I miss that, too."

"Too? Are you inferring that you have a romantic interest?"

"I just might."

"Walt . . ."

"What?" he said.

"There comes a time in a person's life when you knock that stuff off."

"Sex?" he replied.


"Why?" he asked.

"Well, because that kind of physical exertion could be hazardous to a person's health."

Walt considered the question and said, "Well, if she dies, she dies."

In 1978 with double digit inflation heating up in our country, Walt was a major investor in a condominium development. When asked why he was taking his money out of a secure bank account and putting it into a condo development, he said, "Ain't you heard? These are inflationary times. You've got to put your money into real property so it will appreciate and be around for your later years when you really need it." How's that for positive thinking?

In 1980 he sold off a lot of his property in and around Pierce County, Washington. Many people thought Walt was cashing in his chips. He assembled his friends and quickly made it clear that he was not cashing in his chips, but he had sold off the property for cash flow. "I took a small down and a 30­year contract. I got four grand a month comin' in until I'm 38."

He celebrated his 110th birthday on the Johnny Carson Show. He walked out resplendent in his white beard and black hat looking a little like the late Colonel Sanders, and Johnny says, "It's good to have you here, Walt."

"It's good to be anywhere at 110, Johnny."




"What's the matter, Carson, you losin' your hearin'? That's what I said. That's what I am. What's the big deal?"

"The big deal is you're within three days of being twice as old as I am."

That would get your attention, wouldn't it? One hundred and ten years of age-a green, growing human becoming. Walt picked up the opening and quickly alluded to Johnny.

"How old would you be if you didn't know the date you were born and there weren't no durned calendar to semi­depress you once a year? Ever heard of people getting depressed because of a calendar date? Oh, Lordy, I hit my 30th birthday. I'm so depressed, I'm over the hill. Oh, no, I hit my 40th birthday.

Everybody in my work team dressed in black and sent a hearse to pick me up. Oh, no I'm 50 years old. Half a century old. They sent me dead roses with cobwebs. Johnny, who says you're supposed to roll over and die when you're 65? I have friends more prosperous since they were 75 than they were before. And as a result of a little condominium investment I made a few years ago, I've made more bucks since I was 105 than I did before. Can I give you my definition of depression, Johnny?"

"Go ahead."

"Missing a birthday."

May the story of Walt Jones inspire all of us to remain green and growing every day of our lives.

Bob Moawad