Wednesday, September 11, 2013

It Is Official...Tom and I Living Together

Wednesday...28 August 2013...the movers moved Tom's desk, dresser, kitchen table & chairs, Japanese night stand here.  And he exchanged his apartment keys for the security deposit he gave two years ago.

It's Official...we are living together!  Even though we have been living together either at my home or at his home.  Now there is no  My home...his home.  Now there is only our home.

The adventure...continues!

And the day after...I am exhausted from all the events prior to the move day!  Now I understand the need for a honeymoon after the marriage day!  And the need for rest.  Restore.  Adjust.  Recalibrate.  Honor the end of one chapter.  Honor the beginning of the next.

And a week's been crappy and shitty for me.  And I have taken it out on him via snide comments...conversations that went south.  Passive communications.  Passive-Aggressive communications.

Yet it is "All Good" for I am faced with aspects of myself that would only arise when living with someone.

What a rare gift...
What a beautiful learning...
To have this mirror into my interior!
I say I grin and bear the view into my interior!

It is great that in the midst of all this, we love each other.  We want to be with each other.  Those are gifts as well.

Onward Ho!

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