Saturday, June 8, 2013

A Broom...

Noticing my thoughts and words I speak is enlightening.  Grateful for the two programs I completed last month which had me notice intentionally for class exercises.

A thought that I notice comes up for me often is 'I can make do with what I have and I don't want to spend money.'  And so what that does, is I end up using & keeping an item that most folks would discard because it has met its useful life.

Example:  the broom that ever since the beginning of this year....yes that's five months going on six....I have convinced myself whenever I use it... 'I can make do with what I have'.  'Let's not spend money to replace it.'  Even when the dustpan falls off the handle.  And it really does not sweep well.  Today, Source provides.  And sends me a message.  I took the plastic bags to Cole Hardware for recycling.  And the store was having 20% off everything in the now I have a new broom and the old one is in the garbage!  And bonus, the broom came with a dustpan that fits on the handle!  I am happy!  I am worth it!  Thank you Source for the 20% discount!

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