Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday, 19 February 2012...What a beautiful day to go for a walk!

Sunday, 19 February 2012...What a beautiful day to go for a walk by the water, along Ocean Beach! And yet I was open to influence. About 12 noon - I got off the 38 Geary Muni bus above Sutro Baths (overlooks the Pacific Ocean). And decided instead of heading south to walk along Ocean Beach, to head north towards Baker Beach and Golden Gate Bridge. I knew where the bus stops were along the way, just in case I got tired.

The only time I'd walked this part of the Coastal Trail was five years ago -- during March. Like today, it was clear turquoise blue skies! Temperate weather! Warm sun!

And we did it! WE DID IT! Thank you,thank you awe-some, beautiful body, especially my feet & legs!

When I reached the Warming Hut (overlooking the Bay), I sat outside in the sun for a snack -- it was 3:30.

I took an hour stop at Sports Basement to look for new walking shoes :-0

About 8 miles later, it was 6:30 and I was home.

Nature was an awe-some walking companion! And gave me lots of encouragement. From the sleek sandy beachs...the crashing waves of the ocean...the stunning nooks and crannies of the bluffs...the shady trees...the cool temperature (perfect for walking)...turquoise blue skies...picturequse views of the Headlands and Golden Gate Bridge...Thank You Mother Earth!

And Thank Me...for I have come a long way in the past five years! Well-being feels dang good!


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