Tuesday, November 8, 2011

day 40 of 46-day colon/kidney/liver cleanse

Today is Tuesday, 8 November 2011...WOW...12 months has gone by so quickly.

12 months ago...
I was re-entering San Francisco after a 4-month walk-about in Europe...
I was reeling from the news of a dear friend, found murdered in her apartment - 7 blocks from where I live...
I was shaken to my core - challenged in my beliefs and faith in the Divine.

And so the journey continued...of releasing more. Letting go of more. Surrendering more. Allowing more. Appreciating more. Celebrating more. Receiving more. Continuing the inner inquiries and clearing of the inner landscape. In coaching, the metaphor often used is to see ones self as a mansion with many rooms. Now time to go through my lesser-used or lesser-visited rooms and cleanse the mansion!

Anywho...that was then...today! I am on day 40 of a 46-day herbal-based colon/kidney/liver cleanse & detox. I always find it fascinating to notice what I notice (yes, I am the curious monkey!) and this cleanse is no different. The first seven days of just prepping the colon for the cleanse produced a different physical symptom each day, which lasted one day and then was replaced the next day with the next one: congestion, runny nose, exhaustion, cough. The rest of the time, I spent cleaning out closets and my storage area. Where before I had felt blocked & procrastinated, now I was releasing big-time. I felt clear and focused. And all the items were heading for a garage sale, which I held this past weekend.

One of my fellow Dancing with Source graduates is also an acupuncturist. She put together this awe-some one-day workshop complete with handouts showing the intersection of Dancing with Source and Traditional Chinese Medicine. So I looked at the handouts and laughed. Colon. Grief. Emotional Buggy Code: excessive deliberator, changes mind often, spreads themselves too thin, unfocused, overextended, can't let go, grieves too long, 'material' boy/girl. Yup, the cleanse was definitely helping me send my Emotional Buggy Code into the Light! And cleansing my physical colon too boot! YEAH!

Now I'm in the Kidney Cleanse phase. Kidney. Fear. Emotional Buggy Code: fearful, weak, insecure, isolated, forgetful, lack of drive, willful, stagnant. My intention: these Emotional Buggy Code will also release into the Light as I complete this phase.

All Good!
All Good!

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