Monday, January 27, 2014

Synchronicity....Source you are too funny!'s 27 January 2014, 8:30 am - after a sleep of 10 hours.  And I am wondering what's up with my energy level being so low for the past 7 days.

Then it hit me in my Morning Pages...DUH...Tom was home sick for 18 days. Cough.  Congestion.  Pneumonia.  And now he's back at work.  I'm recovering from all that.  Taking care of him.  Taking preventative care of me.  It's hard on the mind, body, soul.  No wonder I am low energy and taking long naps in the afternoon for the past 7 days.  All Good because I need them.  And I need to take care of me right now.  And I need to tell the Self-Judgment part of me to stop telling me that I need to get out and do this, do this, do this.  What I need to do is, rest, drink lots of water, eat lots of soup, easily digestible foods, take leisurely walks.  Because now....I am the sick one :-)

And the weather is cooperating with that directive today, because it is overcast outside.  And it feels chilly out.  So I am not inclined to head out to do errands.

Instead a bowl of quinoa and lentil with hot broth sounds more inviting!  And a good book?

And reading inspiring e-mails, like this one.  Source you are too funny with this e-mail.  I say too funny because just when I need a boost of inspiration, I get it one way or another.  Today, it was this e-mail.  I was feeling with my low energy, like what's the use of doing all this preventative stuff while Tom was sick, when it's not working.  Now I am not feeling so hot.  And yet all my preventative care while Tom was sick did help...because all I have today is low energy.  The body's way of saying...use what energy I have to stay well.

Be Well!

Did you know that human beings are elastic? That’s right.

I’m not suggesting that you are an elastic band. However, like an elastic band, you can bounce back from being stretched out of your comfort zone. You can also bounce back from facing incredible adversity…such as a weekend of poor food choices.

One definition of “elastic” (from physics) is the “reversible deformation of a material”. When you stretch a piece of rubber, it usually returns to its original state, right?

Have you ever seen the movie Batman Begins?

In it, Bruce Wayne (aka. Batman) gets his mansion burned to the ground by the villains. Bruce is knocked unconscious during this “heist” only to be saved by his trusted butler – Alfred.

Upon waking the following day, Bruce is dejected and ready to throw in the towel. He had been up against so much and was ready to call it quits.

But then Alfred says something absolutely inspiring...

“Bruce, why do we fall down? [PAUSE] So we can get back up!”

It is so simple, yet so profound.

I’m sure there have been times in your life when you’ve been knocked down or felt like giving up.

Maybe it was after working so hard in the gym and not seeing the results you’ve wanted to see?

Or maybe it was eating really healthy for several days or weeks only to end up going on a “bender” over the weekend and then criticizing your self for not being “perfect”?

The point is that there are so many times in life when things won’t happen as you expect them to.

The important thing to remember is that many troublesome events in life happen, but it’s the meaning you give to any particular situation that determines your reality.

And that’s why it’s so important to be resilient (elastic, if you will) and realize that nothing will hold you back from your dreams – unless you allow it to.

So take Alfred’s advice and “get back up!”

Have an awesome Monday!

Your friend and coach,



Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN
Owner, Total Wellness Consulting
Author, Eating for Energy
Voted BEST Speaker, Fitness Business Summit 2012

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"Be the change you wish to see in the world"

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