Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dragonfly Medicine

The night of Sunday, 17 June 2012...
I went into the kitchen and as I went to turn on the light, I heard a noise at the window. An insect was caught in the crack of the window, so I opened the window and figured it would fly out. Later on, I went into the kitchen and a dragonfly was on the wall. I thought, that's the first time I've seen a dragonfly inside. And it's night time. The next morning, it wanted to got out and even though the window was open, it was fluttering against the windowpane above the open window. So I opened the window wide and guided it down to the open part. It sat on the open sill as if resting. I left it resting and when I came back later, it was gone.

Today 20 June 2012, I was making a copy of a Medicine Card page (Spider) for a friend. And AHA. Karmic blurt. I read the page for Dragonfly. And it fit with where I find myself. Sunday night I had a conversation with my boyfriend which triggered an emotional flooding for me (meaning one gets so flooded with negative emotion that one cannot problem solve or think creatively, one just wants to fight or flee). So to have the Dragonfly show up later was Source and Dragonfly giving me information.

Here's the Dragonfly page from Medicine Cards: The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals By Jamie Sams, David Carson, Angela C. Wernekesaid.


The positive and contrary parts that resonated with me...Dragonfly is the essence of the winds of change, the messages of wisdom and enlightenment, and the communications from the elemental world. On the psychological level, it may be time to break down the illusions you have held that restrict your actions or ideas. Dragonfly medicine always beckons you to seek out the parts of your habits which need to change. Have you tended to the changes you have wanted to make in your life? If you feel the need for change, call on Dragonfly to guide you through the mists of illusion to the pathway of transformation. Contrary -- Are you caught in an illusion that weakens your true feelings of minimizes your abilities? If so, you may have contracted "Dragonfly Dive-Bombing." Is this the final "crash and burn" for some pipe dream that had no real purpose? Look within and feel the sense-of-self energy. Notice if it is ebbing, and find the point in time when you were deluded into believing that you would be happier if you changed because someone else wanted you to. Misery is a prime clue that you lost your will and personal validity when you bought into someone else's idea of who or what you should be. The illusion was that you would be happier if you did it their way. In forfeiting what you know is right and true for you personally, you give away your power. It is time for you to take it back. Follow Dragonfly to the place inside your body where magic is still alive and drink deeply of its power. This strength belongs to you. It is the power of becoming the illusion. This ability is ever changing and contains within it the knowledge that YOU ARE CREATING IT ALL.


Thank you Dragonfly for helping to re-focus on what I can do to improve how I view my circumstances. NOT, NOT, NOT what "the other person" can do. What "I" can do. Thank you!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Camino France is calling me!

Today is 13 June 2012...about a month ago, out-of-the-blue and un-related to what I was doing at the time, I remembered this short story I read long time ago. It was written by a woman who did a walking journey--somewhere over in Europe. I was intrigued because I pay attention to things that come to me out-of-the-blue. A few days later I found the short story and saw that the walk was in Spain - the Camino de Santiago. I did not read the short story then. I thought 'how synchronistic' as I would be traveling with a friend later this year to Rome, Lourdes and Paris. Perhaps a walking journey would be in order as I would be so close to Spain (and I am thinking a week).

Little did I know (LITERALLY)!

For the past three weeks since I began reading about the Camino de Santiago and specifically Camino France, I keep saying NO - probably because this is NOT a day-hike (I've not hiked more than a few hours) AND I will be "backpacking" (NEVER backpacked) AND I don't want to spend money on new gear AND what other reasons can I come up with :-). Camino and Source are saying YES! AND if not now, then when?

They keep calling me to journey. So if all goes ease, easy, flow, then I will leave Paris when my friend returns home and begin my journey to the starting point of the Camino France. Actually the journey began when the short story came to me out-of-the-blue :-)

This is my first Camino, first walking journey, first backpacking. I'm sure there are other firsts in there...LOL

Much appreciation and gratitude to http://www.caminodesantiago.me forum and other sites for the wealth and sharing of information. The pilgrims' insights have helped me tremendously as my body, mind, and spirit prepare for this.

Thank you Source for telling me on 28 May to get out my hiking boots and start wearing them the next day, every day. My feet were fine until yesterday, when they were not happy in the hiking boots. I pay attention to my feet and shoes since I urban walk a lot to do errands (no car). So I'm ISO of different shoes. And the Keen Targhee II Mid might be the ones. Mailordered several sizes from REI. The Salomon XA Pro 3D Ultra Mid 2 GTX Hiking Shoes are also a possibility. I use Salomon trailrunners every day for my urban walking.

And I'm weighing my backpack & stuff with a goal of 12 pounds or less. My urban walking has taught be over the years that one pound can feel very heavy very quick after one hour of walking.

Camino France is some 778km long, starting either in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port (“St. John at the Foot of the Pass”) on the French side of both the mountains and the border or 27km later in Roncesvalles (Roncevaux in French, the “Valley of Thorns”) in Spain. It passes through Pamplona, Puente la Reina, Estella, Logroño, Burgos,
León, Astorga, Ponferrada and Sarria before it reaches the “City of the Apostle” in the western reaches of Galicia.

All Good!