Saturday, October 9, 2010

i just love the italian way of...

...wrapping your food items up for you to carry home. See next two photos of la mia sena (dinner) tonight & salume e bresaola per a dimani. So pretty and neat. And I have now eatten one of the two items (the 3rd photo). YUMMMMM! I have to say, whatever I have eatten here in Milazzo, Sicilia has been DELICIOUS! Could not say that for Napoli.

...i negozi chiuso dal 1:30 al 4:30 per un pranzo (lunch) - see next photo. Milazza is a town and definitely, like Napoli, abides with the closing from generally 1:30 TO 4:30 per il pranzo. Given my experience of the last three years, that's about the time when the body slows down and wants nourishment AND a rest. Three hours definitely allows for un pranzo e un pisolino. The Queen of Sleep definitely approves! America, will you adopt?

Ciao! Baci! Abbracci! Luce!

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