Tuesday, May 4, 2010

12+ months YAHOO!

Tues, 4 May 2010...3:36 pm...EDT

Well March-end marked 12 consecutive months of well-being! WEE-OO! And April marked the end of 54 years of living and the beginning of year 55. WEE-OO!

So glad I blogged and morning paged along the way. While I and friends/family noticed the change in me as time went by. Definitely one of the ways to keep me focused on the Light side of things. So that when the Shadows and Dark try to settle in, they get received yet don't stay for long.

Anywho, where do I go from here? Well, maintenance & upkeep. Lifestyle changes requires maintenance & upkeep. It's like your body. Among all of its many wonders, it has a fabulous digestive system which works wonders when optimally functioning. And so it is with my entire system - now I feel I have in place what I need to ensure my system is optimally functioning, so that what does not serve, gets eliminated (and taken into the Light). And an early-warning system.

May you have in place all that you need to do the same! For your optimal health and well-being!

Love & Hugs!

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