Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ten Months!

9:07 pm, Wednesday 10 February 2010

Feels good to be on the other side of well-being! So I'm moving through the 11th month of consecutive well-being. And am getting reminders from Source and my practioners, to s.l.o.w down. Like when I used to get a cold and after all the congestion, coughing, etc ends, I jump back into doing lots of stuff. Well, in this case, I realize today that I have come a long way to regain my life balance and well-being. And in doing so, I notice when I am upsetting that delicate balance.

Anywho, asked Source to bring it on! And in response, I was offered a great opportunity to identify and dismantle my barriers to abundance. This is from working with a group of Dancing with Source graduates. That began 31 January. Thus will be interesting to see how the year un-folds.

Hmm, boils down to - my actions are based on whose guidance? Mind? Ego? Body? Money? Other people? Past history? Source?

Ain't Life FUN!?

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