Monday, February 15, 2010


15 February 2010, 6:56 pm...

I am watching Julia and Julie! And eatting a fantastic tasting raw salad! Yes, I definitely will go to cooking school. It's something a voice inside (probably my mother's) is saying I should not do. I should find a good-paying job. With benefits. And save up for my retirement. Blah! Blah! Blah! Yet @ 53 years old, I feel like I've given my life to others. What others wanted me to do! Even when I said it was what I wanted to do, was it really?

Anywho, I always loved the Joy of Cooking. My copy is well-worn and well-used. The lemon curd cookie squares recipe is to die for! And is always a hit when I was (yes, was) baking all my holiday cookies. I stopped baking when the JOY was no longer there. That was a sign if there ever was one. When the joy is no longer in something that once brought me so much joy, well, one would notice these things, if one was not going many miles a minute!

These days I go slowly not because of my health, because it feels like the thing to do. To SAVOR every moment, minute by minute. To feel JOY! So I decided that since I'm not in cooking school...yet! That I will get a raw living food cookbook and play with all the recipes. For I am about 80% raw veggies. The local organic produce delivery every Wed is a surprise. And has stretched me on quick and easy ways to prepare the veggies. I've become quite handy with my mandoline. And chef knife. Vitamixer. Like everything in life: Experiment! Experience! Have fun! Thank you Julie and Julia! for reminding to experiment! experience! have fun! And of course, have a few meltdowns from time to time! LOL

Bon Appetit!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ten Months!

9:07 pm, Wednesday 10 February 2010

Feels good to be on the other side of well-being! So I'm moving through the 11th month of consecutive well-being. And am getting reminders from Source and my practioners, to s.l.o.w down. Like when I used to get a cold and after all the congestion, coughing, etc ends, I jump back into doing lots of stuff. Well, in this case, I realize today that I have come a long way to regain my life balance and well-being. And in doing so, I notice when I am upsetting that delicate balance.

Anywho, asked Source to bring it on! And in response, I was offered a great opportunity to identify and dismantle my barriers to abundance. This is from working with a group of Dancing with Source graduates. That began 31 January. Thus will be interesting to see how the year un-folds.

Hmm, boils down to - my actions are based on whose guidance? Mind? Ego? Body? Money? Other people? Past history? Source?

Ain't Life FUN!?