Friday, January 1, 2010

nine months

11:10 am, Friday, 1 January 2010

YAHOO! Nine consecutive months of well-being and continued improvement in my energy, stamina, health! YAHOO! Thank you Source! Thank you village (of practioners, family, friends, healing circle, healers, angels, ascended masters from all cultures)! Thank you moi for showing up!

A friend wrote this to me the other day "I was told that if you turn your focus onto other things consistently and continue to turn this over to Source consistently, that will help."

Makes a lot of sense in general....fits with my experiment (yes, she's experimenting again LOL) of focusing on all that is going well in my life. That does not mean I don't acknowledge the things that are "not going well", just means I am listening to it all and looking for the 2% in the "not going well" that is truly "going well", is of value to me, serves me.

Case in point....since 12 December, I have not done my usual morning routine:
morning pages (where I write stream of conscious, no editing for 3 pages -- each page about 8-1/2 by 11)

balancing my entire system (chakras, subtle energy bodies, physical body, and whatever else my intuition tells me)

sitting quietly and asking for guidance on the 1,2,3 things on my to-do list that are priority for the highest good of all (and today I added the highest good of moi)

Well, on this past Sunday 27 December, I had a dizzy moment - in fact two in the course of an hour. After the second one, I was nauseated. Yes, I was concerned as this had not happened to me before. Luckily, I was staying with a friend so I stayed an extra day to be sure I had someone close by in case something happened. And I laid down to rest and before I drifted off to sleep, I asked Source to help me with what had just happened. When I awoke 2 hours later, I felt ok. And immediately knew I was out of balance in general. And I needed to return to my usual morning routine. YET, did I? NO. So on Wed morning @ 2 am (30 December), I was awoken by a sharp pain going from my right collar bone out to my right shoulder joint. As I appeared to be okay and there was no evidence of pain, I went back to sleep. At 8:20 am, I was awoken by a lump in my esophogus, like when one swallows a pill that does not go all the way down. Well, mine was stuck about 3 inches below my collar bone. Yet as soon as I got up, it disappeared.

Hmm, concerned? YES! So 3o December, I left messages with my rhuematologist, my primary care, my integrative MD to consult with them. AND for the first time, I also e-mailed my healing circle to consult with them. Yet did I wake up on yesterday, 31 Dec and do my morning routine. Not really. Not completely. And when I awoke from an 1-1/2 hour nap in the afternoon, I felt awful. And that's when it hit me - you are out of balance, begin to return your balance, your groundness. So I balanced my entire system, and it's truly amazing what you notice as I patiently and slowly balanced. Two hours later, I felt ready to end 2009 and begin 2010 in a way that supports me and all. I stayed in. Washed my sheets, my hair, myself (as a ritual of being and sleeping in something clean and ready for something new).

Anywho, interesting how quickly I want to return to what is old and familiar (and yet no longer serves me). And yeah for me. Thank me for showing up and noticing that I am responding differently to what Life puts on my path. I am awesome! And so are you!

Happy New Year! Happy New Moment! That allows us to focus on clarity in what we ask for, openness to accept what is received, courage to thank our self for showing up & being for the first place.

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