Saturday, September 17, 2016

Ever An Adventure...

It's Saturday, 17 September 2016 and I just finished completing some of the program paperwork on-line.

¡Estoy muy emocionada y más o menos nerviosa!

I am heading to Madrid, Spain to study spanish language during the months of Jan, Feb, and Mar 2017.  I figure after four semesters.....I am in my fourth semester at present.....that it's definitely time to get past my not-speaking Spanish.  And immerse myself in a place where Spanish is the first language.

That was my thought this past May as I concluded my semester of Spanish 2A.  The Universe/Source is always testing me.  LOL.  LOL.  I was at City College of San Francisco during May for the pre-departure orientation of the Cuba study abroad program.  As I waited for the orientation to begin, I wandered the hallway and looked at the various postings on the walls.  Outside the Study Abroad Program office, there were flyers for the programs being offered....
Oaxaca (Fabulous culinary program!!! as I recalled the awesome and tasty time I spent there last July),
Cuba (Woo Hoo...will be there in several weeks, I thought),
Paris (great city and not interested in studying French),
Rome (hey, a new program.....another great city and not interested in studying Italian),
Madrid (Hmmmm, Madrid?  This is another new program!  Wow, studying Spanish in Madrid!)

I pulled out the Madrid flyer and took it with me.  As I read through the was all the logistics of studying Spanish in a Spanish-speaking country outlined for me in a front/back flyer.

I am a bit nervous.....until I remind myself of the morning I awoke after arriving in Napoli, Italy.  And decided to take an Italian language class.  And went on-line and found that a class was starting that day.  And how much easier it was to learn Italian when after class I walked out into a city where Italian was the first language.

I also ask myself....If not now, then when?

¡Buen Camino!