Monday, December 1, 2014

Myofascial Work....

It's Sunday, 16 November 2014

Wow, between the myofascial bodywork last week and eatting plant-based, whole foods recipes from the Total Wellness Cleanse for breakfast, lunch, dinner (now on Day 10).....I am definitely cleansing at a lot of levels.  And very glad that this cleanse deals with mind, body, spirit versus food and body only.

And most of my cleansing is at the emotional level.  Have had my sad moments.  Yet mostly cranky, moody, am very glad I did not plant to get together with friends since I have been back.  And glad to have let those who have asked to get together, that I want this alone time.

Am very glad to have given myself the space for me, myself, and I.  Bad enough that I am cranky, moody, and several times saying something mean to my partner.  And grateful to have mended the hurt that those times inflicted.  Best (and respectful) to minimize the potential of saying something mean to friends.  Moving through the grocery store, public transport, a crowd is different since there is minimal conversation.  I can be superficial on the one hand.  On the other, what energy am I spreading in my wake?

And it feels like the cranky and mean cloud is lifting.  I surmise that I hold a lot of "stuff" in my left shoulder/arm/wrist.  And the myofascial bodywork is releasing more than the deep muscle knots.  Am glad for that.  And while these past 10 days have not been fun (especially I am sure for my partner)....I am glad to move all this "stuff" into the Light and not carry it in my left shoulder/arm/wrist anymore.

Now it is Monday, 1 December 2014 (Day 25 of the 30 day cleanse).  This morning as I did my Morning Pages...I realize that the myofascial work is releasing not just the deep and tight knots in my shoulder/arm/wrist muscles and allowing optimal circulation for both blood and lymph's also releasing any un-communicated words, actions, etc from the past (that I am guessing I held onto) allowing me to flow through Life and Life to flow through me.

All Good as I remind myself it took be a while to restore my wel-being 7 years ago.  And I remind myself that I continue to hold the Intention:  to be a well being.  And I am.

I  hope you are as well.