Friday, June 20, 2014

Time for a holiday!

Today is Friday, 20 June 2014--3:30 pm PDT...I realized earlier today as I responded to an e-mail that it has been a long time since I blogged just for the heck of it.

The past 18 months since I returned from a-traveling, has been about clearing my field and working on my relationship with Tom.  And as I sit here now...typing...where was I?

Where was I?  Where am I?



A lot of both!

And today....well the impact of events over the past six weeks has finally caught up with me.  So the body is telling me to be still, take awesome good self-care, and just be with all that is whirling inside me right now!

And to also celebrate the me today and how far I have journeyed in the past 58 years. will be good to go a-traveling.  To take a break from the day-to-day.  To see a different place.  To get a different perspective.  To shake myself up for a while.  To take a holiday or vacation.  All Good for the spirit and the soul!  For my well being.

Here's to your holiday! And mine!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Adventuring to the East Coast....

Today is 9 June 2014.  And I still have not put much Attention (only the Intention) on my upcoming adventure.  The Present is all I can focus on.  And lately it has been full of surprises.  More on that later.  Second thought...not!

Anywho, all I know is I will leave my niece's in Wake Forest, NC on either 29 or 30 July,  And the rest -- a combo of seeing old friends.  And places not seen before or in a long while.  Reminds me of my adventure to the Great Britain and Europe in 2010, where I figured out where I would go next, 7 to 10 days before I got there.  And had some great and fun re-unions with old friends.

Guessing I will head north.
To Richmond, VA, my hometown, for 7 to 10 days
Then Washington, DC area for 7 to 10 days, mostly the VA side
Then Pennsylvania for 7 to 10 days:  Harrisburg, Pittsburgh
Then New York area (most likely Manhattan and Sag Harbor if BJ & Ed are there) for 7 to 10 days.

Notice the theme....7 to 10 days.

That's mostly August.  So East Coasters, let me know what your plans so we can sync schedules.

And then there is the train across Canada from either Montreal or Toronto to Vancouver.  The Gang, let me know if you want to meet me in Vancouver.  Joanne, will keep you posted!

All for the adventure has already begun with the setting of my Intention in March of this year!