Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My Things

Happy 2 far so good with taking one month at a time to go through each room of my home and clear it of items that no longer serve. Proud of my progress!

Kitchen was easy. Bathroom ditto. Even the office desk and files.

Boy oh boy I am into the hard stuff now...the office closet where there are boxes from the last clearing. Or things that I would not part with in my last clearing. Or things too overwhelming to sort through. Or things too time consuming to look through. Grateful that Source orchestrated a great emotional support team for me before I arrived at this place.

Now going through all this is full of surprises that is for darn sure! Memories both sad and happy. Most wise of me...kind and take my time with all of this. This a time to honor my feelings and let them flow through me.

The happy feelings come and go quickly. A warming of my heart as I read a card from an old friend. A delighted feeling as I find photos of the grand-niece and grand-nephew at birth and now they are almost 4! A fortunate and grateful feeling as I toss old medical notes, research reminding me of where I was five..six years ago and here I am now! A lighthearted feeling as I watch the recycle bin fill up with papers from my past that no longer serve me now and empty my two drawers of files. A thrilled feeling as the five piles of paper I had organied on the top of my rolled desk are now filed in the drawers leaving the top of the rolled top desk empty (well almost...there is a dictionary still :-). I wished now I had taken a before and after pix :-). A satisfied feeling as I organized all the items in the TAX folder and placed in an envelope. A jubilant feeling when I dropped off the envelope to the accountant earlier today. YEA! my second year of NOT frustrating myself while cajoling TurboTax software when it took the K-1 info I gave it and kept giving me error messages which I could not figure out how to correct. A pleased feeling that I am making progress in changing my behaviors that led me to acquiring and keeping all these things. El Camino reminded me that I think many times before buying something. Glad that I begin a six-week class to assist hoarders--I need support with this clearing.

The sad feelings I sit with a while as they linger. Especially since this is the time during 1994--19 years ago that my mother passed. I happen upon a report from her oncologist written a month before she passed. A sadness that her cancer had spread through her body by the time it was discovered. It touches the missing-her within me. So rather than push through the paper, I allow the emotions to move through me. Or take time off from 'work'. All Good!

Clearing my home, my body, my field on many different levels! For it is not about the items, it is about the thoughts, feelings, emotions that allow me to keep the items.

All Good! I understand the reason you guided me as I journeyed abroad from September to December. To return and continue the work of clearing my things! To continue my relationship with Tom that keeps it healthy, growing, thriving! All of this benefits me! And this benefits all I come in contact with! All Good! Thank you for these opportunities to serve!

By the way...uncooked rice ground in a coffee or spice grinder after grinding the coffee or spice, helps keep the grinder clean. Brush out ground rice.

Put on a large pot of water to boil.
Pour a goopy mixture of baking soda & water down a slow draining sink.
Wait 15 minutes.
Pour some distilled white vinegar down the drain.
Wait until you no longer hear the fizzing caused by the vinegar meeting the baking soda.
Pour the boiling hot water down the drain.
Repeat as necessary until the drain no longer slowly drains. May need to plunge after the second repeat.